Beijing Tong Ren Tang Stroke Awareness 2017
Fortune Mall x Monchhichi Summer Fest
P&G Pampers 全港BB舞動大賽
Nestle Freshness Avenue
The “Freshly Made Everyday” Event was first launched in 2016, due to overwhelming response, the Event was put on live again as local tour in 2017.
In the past 125 years, Nestle Groups insists on the product quality control. With high internal quality standard, products are produced everyday to keep fresh. With family as the target audience, fun gaming is always a nice way to engage them. Event Elite designed the event to be a playground with different games, each game to highlight & educate the freshness of individual Nestle product on the manufacturing & delivery process. Through interesting game like puzzle, cow milking, LED screen and clawing game, parents & kids could get closer. And big props/displays of boxed milk, beancurd dessert, delivery truck & yoghurt brought fun to the kids as well.
With good relationship with shopping malls, we successfully made a favourable deal on venue rental or even free rental for Nestle. Thus we are capable of creating, managing and executing an event in an effective & efficient, and cost-saving way.